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Drinking helps
Launch Campaign for Lemonaid & ChariTea

OOH Lime Lemonade

Social GIF Lime Lemonade

OOH Rooibos Tea

CLP Rooibos Tea

OOH Green Tea

OOH Mate Tea
The very first OOH Launch Campaign for a drink which is more than a hipster drink, but actually does good. With the hand-made illustrations, we gave the brand a human touch and made the bottles look fresh and tasty. Also, we gave them a whole new brand identity with loads and loads of illustration templates from which they can pick and chose for all of their visuals.

Year: August, 2016
Client: Lemonaid & ChariTea
Credits: Linda Kapsch, Oscar Engelhardt, Felix Goth and more thirsty people from KolleRebbe
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